
The Textile Workshop

Work of the Restoration Workshop

The focus of the workshop is the conservation, care, restoration and presentation of the comprehensive Brandenburg textile collection. Alongside this, historical textiles from external owners are restored, such as museum collections, items protected under monumental preservation, archaeological items (such as grave finds) and items from other sources including church parishes.


  • Restoration of historical textiles
  • Creation of restoration concepts
  • Fibre analysis
  • Analysis of textile techniques
  • (Photo) documentation
  • Montage for exhibitions (the above are just some of the facilities we offer)

Qualification of the Workshop Supervisor

Training as a textile conservator at the Abegg Foundation in Riggisberg, Switzerland, from 1986-1989. Diverse subsequent restoration works both at home and abroad with textiles from the 4th century BCE to the 19th century with focus on textiles from the early medieval and medieval eras.
